Text Magnus

Synergetic™ Myofascial Therapy Series 4 & 5


The Synergetic™ Myofascial DVD series consists of over 7 hours of step-by-step instruction of Synergetic™ Myofascial Therapy™ as demonstrated and explained by Magnus Eklund (LMT 144). The DVDs are designed to assist therapists to learn how to drastically improve the structural balance and functional movements of their clients with advanced myofascial deep tissue techniques.  As a therapist, you will also learn how to best utilize and conserve your energy during your workday so that you can “Work Smarter, Not Harder”.

The cost for the set of 2 DVDs is $99 plus $5 shipping. Mississippi residents must add 7% for sales tax.
We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover through PayPal (a PayPal account is not required).



The Synergetic™ Myofascial DVD series consists of over 7 hours of step-by-step instruction of Synergetic™ Myofascial Therapy™ as demonstrated and explained by Magnus Eklund (LMT 144). The DVDs are designed to assist therapists to learn how to drastically improve the structural balance and functional movements of their clients with advanced myofascial deep tissue techniques.  As a therapist, you will also learn how to best utilize and conserve your energy during your workday so that you can “Work Smarter, Not Harder”.


Session 4: Lower Core

Create inside/outside leg balance. Improve stability and support from inner leg line and create length and space in lower abdomen, lumbar spine, Quadratus Lumborum, Pectineus, Psoas and Iliacus.

Session 2: The Side Body

Increase movement and space in ribcage, open the pectorals and improve the deeper breath. Release tension in shoulders, arms and Thoracic spine.